Monday, March 26, 2007

Guest Blogger - Jackie

Hi guys, my mummy has been so busy these days (or maybe she's just lazy hiak hiak..) that she hardly updates her blog even!
I think I would just secretly upload these wayyy wayyy overdue pictures and briefly narrate what we've been up to . . .

I got a new RED rubber squeaby ball!! And guess what? It's been almost a week and I have not destroyed it yet! Guess this one is for keeps. :)

Yeah I liked my new ball so much I even sleep with it!

I wasn't too happy the day before though... I had to stay in bed for hours and hours just because my mummy was doing her spring-cleaning (again?!)

Look at how happy Auntie is in the picture! I know she secretly lub lub me lor, I'm not that sure about Meow Meow though.

Brenda, my mummy and her friends went over to Mack's house to hang out and disturb the above attached supposedly demonic cat, the name's Genghis.

And all Brenda would do was to eat. And she din even have the decency to bring some back for me!

The supposed view as they dangle their feet from the top floor of the project, no railings GAH~

Mack and Wanqi

Of course, I would prefer they hang out at Liquid Kitchen or Brenda's place. So I dun have to be home alone mah. Willie did not look very sure when I told him to bring Hunter to Brenda's house too.

Brenda looked too busy to give me my nightly massages.. =*(

I peeked into my mummy's paperbag the other day and thought mummy bought pretty dresses and rompers for me!!!

Fat hope bitch, dream on...
(It was for mummy's niece lah)

There is a cat strolling downstairs that looks more delicious than Kiddie...

Maybe if I could just pretend I need to go pee again, hmmm...

Gah~ it din work and I cannot go for an extra walk. Guess I just have to watch cable TV...

They watch channel 55 all day without sparing a thought to turn on 'Animal Planet' for me...

Ah, finally my slave is free to gimme my massage. I lub you Li Ping, whatever you doing just dun stop okay?
So guys, you can see that life has been simple, peaceful and enjoyable. Til next time lah okay? Very late oredi. Good Night!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

If I knew how, I would have had a title for this...

王菀之 - 我真的受伤了

It never occurred to me that the dull aching pain in me could be so intense

Until the most most vulnerable side of you unveils

Until the sorrow which was never too far beneath the facade you always put up for us resurfaces all at once

Not knowing what to make of this, nor how to react nor respond to it all

I almost panicked when I felt that I could perhaps possibly make a gracious exit

Before I break down too

And start crying for you.