Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Mama says I must act like a girl now that she's got me a new dress...

The back view
Yeah right, like hell I will.
*snigger.. snigger..*

五月天 志明与春娇 Live

Now this was what we were trying to sing the last time we went KTV. In case Brenda wondering, you know?

I must have been outta my mind.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

I dunno but it's okay

Treading softly treading gingerly, each step unsteady and overwhelmed, with a strange concoction of mingled new hopes and old fears.

I abhor the uncertainty and unfamiliarity, as we bring this bond into a different transition.

What would you think if I do this or that? The uncertain little girl had to act up in me.

My vulnerability exposed and defences let down once again, as I struggle to meet new expectations, and you try your best to keep up with old demands. When you no longer deemed them necessary, but you are trying to understand why.

My cynicism kept under wraps, when you could somehow present me the renewed confidence and strength each time we fall. I may not be sure, I may tread in fear, but I want to place my last stakes in this gamble together with you.