Thursday, July 10, 2008

Going on 31 weeks

Overwhelmed at times with unexpected and sudden bouts of fatigue or heartburn, now thick into the third trimester of my pregnancy... Forgive me people, for taking a long break from updating.

This is the stage I have been giving childbirth and labour itself, some really serious thoughts. I really do not mind the baby staying inside for as long as she wants to, at this point, if not for the disadvantages of a severely overdue baby. It has been really nice to be able to bring her to work and everywhere else I go now, to have company (and constantly reminded that I have company through her nudges and kicks) even when I am alone.

The last US scan I had, it really seemed like she was growing out her pudgy arms and thighs, putting on fat and running out of space in there. Wow, my little snowman with a circle for her head and a circle for her body and four circles for her limbs, is finally starting to resemble a real human form.

That really explains the strong kicks and movements that fair takes my breath away sometimes. I think I would really miss these sensations when she is born. I would miss speculating if it is a hand, a leg or just her tiny bottom sticking out to make a really strange looking lopsided belly. Eeeewwww... Ugly.

I can't believe I only have two more months left. All I can think about now, is whether my pain threshold can live up to my expectations. I am so curious to meet my baby, to know if she is gonna be exactly like whom I have bonded with all these months. But fear of the unknown parameters of physical pain is causing some anxiety too.

I feel like a first timer attempting a full 42km marathon, stubbornly wanting to attempt raw labour without the much talked about miracle epidural. I just want to know, how.. just how did our mothers do it without these fancy frills. Suddenly, I feel sorry for always teasing Julian about his passion for marathons and triathalons. I think I know why you are doing it now, Jules! If you are reading this. Ha..

With only two months to full term, my baby list is giving me a headache everytime I go through it. It is hard to believe how many things a tiny baby actually needs. Apparently, they term it basic neccessities. Which is meaning to say, everything must buy.

Thank God for family, mum especially, for preparing all the numerous hankies, towels and newborn clothes and mittens. Not to mention the many miscellaneous items like creams and what nots. I still find it hard to believe that these tiny life forms need some many things to survive. They are alot more easy going when they are inside you, huh?

Aye, forgive a clumsy and sleepy pregger's rantings. I am just having an especially boring and grumpy tired day. I'd get over it tomorrow. =)