Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I just needed to say this somewhere...

I found a big piece of my heart missing

It is in the shape of your silouette

It was when I said, no, to you yesterday

I did not understand back then

Why two people can't be together

When they are still deeply in love

Now I can

Seven years of shared dreams and aspirations

All shattered in a moment's deadly silence

We were so near to the finishing line

Yet a moment of truth revealed

We were actually so far

It broke my heart when I knew the real situation

The last two years had been a sham

I turned it into a scam

When all along I believed we were real

I do not dare look into your face

I know that I would just turn soft

I do not dare hear you cry

I know I would just hug you and never let go forever

Now there is a huge void where you used to fill

It is so big I can't find my heart anymore

Maybe when you have given it all

You have nothing more to give anymore

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