Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Life is boring as a retail staff...

If I continue to stone like this, I'm turning into stone soon... Wait a minute, what's that crazy person doing, aiming the camera this way??!!

Two can play at this game, somemore my camera better than yours. Professional one leh..

Lemme learn how to use it first..

Need to aim properly one mah..

*Self-satisfied smile..* Haha gotcha!

Wei's sidenote: Sometimes I think my brain either degenerate from the boredom or I go nuts. Forgive my silly post.


Anonymous said...

Careful, you don't know who's reading your blog.

Wei said...

Yeah, think I should take out the link in my friendster account.

Scary how public these blogs are..

Anonymous said...

Did u TRY to love your neighbour or did u ALREADY fall in love with your good for nothing neighbour?