Wednesday, April 19, 2006


There is a difference in reminiscing lost love, and wallowing in self-pity...

My neighbor Brenda, told me a very touching love story last night.

It was so captivating that I kept poor Will waiting til after midnight for the planned supper.

I would like to begin it the old fashioned way..

Once upon a time, there was a boy and a girl whom knew from the age of 7 years old, that they were destined for each other.

They shared a bond that no one else could compare, having grown up together and having shared all the most important years of their childhood, teenhood and young adult years together.

The most amazing thing about their relationship, was that they were telepathic to each others' state of mind, emotions, sometimes even location.

They could sense a lot of things that were happening to each other at that point in time, it was a very strong emotional chord, unfathomable to others but only themselves.

(It sounds incredulous, but if you were to know Brenda personally, you would know that you can trust every word that comes out of her mouth.)

To cut a beautiful story short (lack of sleep, can't do justice to the story), they always thought that they were each other's destiny.

Through the childhood years, the teen years, the young adult years..

They were together, then they broke up.

They were together, then they broke up.

They were together, then they broke up.

It was always the circumstances at work, the numerous misunderstandings, the sheer number of obstacles which kept them apart, time and time again.

One would never believe how a relationship could have had as many obstacles as theirs.

They could sense their longings, the passion, the desire for each other, even when they were living in the different parts of the world.

They got increasingly worn down by the depression they could sense from each other, being kept apart.

"I want you, but I can't have you."

Eventually, they got married, to their own respective partners.

Life and love wore them out, they just wanna forget.

When they looked at their partners, they see only each other's regrets for the shattered destiny of a lifetime.

Their dreams were filled with each other's silouettes, shadows that were running away from each other, but mysteriously meet again.

It was the shattered destiny, which was shattering the rest of their lives in every aspect.


I have never personally experienced love of this intensity but this is a really sad story which set me thinking...

It was why Brenda told me this story in the first place, she doesn't want me to experience the story for myself.

The lifetime of regrets, what-ifs and what could've-beens to bear.

They always broke up not knowing exactly why and what they did.

I wish he was in town, I really wanna ask him.

Why did you push me away then hold my hand again?


Anonymous said...

U've gotta huge mouth for someone with such a small brain.

Anonymous said...

And you'd know this because?
Besides, at least she's not fugly!
People look at HER and fall in love, while you? People look at your DOG, THEN fall in love.

I mean, fat people are better off than ugly people.
Fat people can lose weight!
Ugly people like you...OUCH!

Unknown said...

These ppl (person) are curde and childish. You've been a great friend.