Friday, June 30, 2006

Another abandoned dog

When will these nonsense stop?

Now and then.

I am quite sure

I had been exasperating beyond your tolerance level

Many many times throughout these years.

Being brutally blunt and extremely vocal all these while

I have never failed to raise hell for any insensitivities on your part.

I made sure all the air was meticulously cleared before we kissed and made up.

Though it was so crude and extremely brash; I even wince at my own recollections of it.

No wonder I wore you down

I am so sorry I was so barbaric.


I wouldn't say my points back then were invalid

I am still proving myself right everyday now

That all I had broached were very real and valid,

I only regretted choosing the wrong ways to put them across to you.

But hey,

Look at us now

Not a squabble not a frown

None of anything else too.

I sometimes wonder if you'd wish yourself back to those good old days

Where there were more tears, but also more laughter.

Where I had more grouses and complaints, but also more love.

Where you would hear more than you would like to hear from me everyday

But at least you knew me.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

It's all around me, the rats...

Maybe it's just the phase my peers are going through..

You know, the see-who-get-married-first-and-who-have-kids-first phase.

Every unattached female peer around me is almost literally screaming "Where's the farking ring? Roar!!! Give it to me baby!!" to the first man they get together with.

Maybe it's just over-rated propaganda on our government's part.

You know, that : Have 3 or more kids better still have a dozen campaign.

One female peer blogged about her beautiful wedding and the rest swarmed in (and I mean swarm) to announce theirs.

One female peer blogged about her pregnancy and the others' blogs were filled with sudden overwhelming maternal instincts, employed, students or bummers whom could barely feed themselves, alike.

One female peer blogged about her giving-birth experience which set the others in an absolute frenzy.

I am actually reading blogs in CAPS that screams: "THAT IS SO ROMANTIC (think she refering to the husband of peer) I WANT A BABY TOO!!"

Erm.. That came from someone unattached hor.

Besides, I would hardly deem 'romantic' an appropriate word to describe a birthing process leh.

Hiak hiak hiak.. sometimes I am so glad I never shared my blog with most peers.

Then can secretly write about them mah.

Eh, nabeh my blog leh.


And I was not exaggerating about the 'gimme the farking ring'.

I read a female peer's blog which went like this:-

I went into my dear's friend's shop with my dear hor and his friend hor call me dasao leh!! (T_T)"" Hehehehehehehe so farnie... Anyhow call until I also paisay already..... So I ask my dear's friend lor, ehhh I haven't receive his ring yet leh, how can you call me dasao? Your friend haven't give me the ring yet mah.. HEHEHEHEHE... So hor, I go and tell my dear lor, "Dear , you must go and tell your friend hor I HAVE NOT received your ring yet leh. Must see the ring then can call dasao mah..." Then my dear say, aiya anyway the ring will come sooner or later so whether call dasao now or later also no difference lah. Hehehehehe....

You see, it's all about rings.

In their minds I mean.

And the author of the above paragraph have yet to celebrate the 1st month anniversary of their relationship together.

Now you get what I mean.

It's a rat race out there.


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I have been tagged...

Tagged by Kierra:-

1. Do the following WITHOUT complains.

2. Leave a tag on the person tagboard to say he/she have been tagged

3. Start your post with “I have been tagged!”


Favourite colour: Black, red and teal

Favourite food: Black angus prime rib

Favourite song: Alot leh

Favourite movie: Alot also

Favourite sport: Jogging

Favourite day of the week: Mondays cos I off mah

Favourite season: I like the rainy season

Favourite ice-cream: Ben and Jerrys'!!!


Current mood: Sibeh sian

Current taste: Porridge from Crystal Jade

Current clothes: Power suit

Current deskstop: Default autumn

Current toenails: Hidden

Current time: 1623

Current surroundings: I am at work

Current annoyances: None for the moment

Current thoughts: Should I have porridge for the 28th time this month?


First best friends: Cindy

First crush: I can't even remember his name... errr.. Gerard?

First movie: The Eraser, or something like that, by that Arnold Sia-mi-waa-go.

First lie: Cam't remember, seriously...

First music: Definately can't remember liao


Last drink(alcohol): Two weeks back?

Last car ride: Last night?

Last crush: Huh? It's been a loooong time, seriously can't remember.

Last movie: Da Vinci Code, and it sux.

Last phone call: 15mins ago

Last CD played: High society, Jazzamor

Have you ever

Have you ever dated your best friend: Yes

Have you ever broken the law: Yes

Have you ever been arrested: No

Have you ever skinny-dipped: No

Have you ever been on tv: No and thank God.

Have you ever kissed someone you don’t know: Not that I know of

5 things you are wearing: Watch, earrings, contact lens, shoes and clothes.

4 things you done today:

1) I woke up early today, hehehe..

2) I got down to doing my own laundry early in the morning today, even though it wasn't my offday today.

3) I even had time to make lunch for my mum today.

4) I did not have to take any hours off today to be on time.

5) Neither did I have to take a cab, public transport! Yes!

3 things you can hear right now: The CD playing, my own typing, my heels on the wooden laminate floor.

1 thing you do when you are bored: Doing this meme lor. Heh..

Errr.. do I really have to tag someone? Guys, you all volunteer lah hor, do it when you are bored. Hurhurhur..

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Yet another falls...

And a few more to come.

Congrats to Jeanny, the youngest



And the least likely of us all, to get married at 24.

I shall post the pictures of her lovely wedding tonight, to properly illustrate this post.

As I grow older, the more sceptical I become, of the word 'marriage'.

It used to be a beautiful word.

It defines a holy matrimonial affair, a sacred union where two becomes one.

Pictures of church bells, family, friends and all well-wishers

Congregating to celebrate and to bless, yada yada and all that.

Then each couple proceed to live happily ever after with beautiful babies and the cutest of kids bouncing on their laps.

Or so I thought lah.

I wonder if I am pessimistic by nature?

Or am I seeing more unhappy marriages than the happy ones that actually lasted?

Maybe I am the complicated screwed up sick-in-the-mind one.

At the end of the day, those whom deserve to find happiness would be able to find it, of course.

Sj's wedding is next on the long list of wedding invites I received this year.

7th of July, just a few weeks down the road, he's gonna take the brave leap into it.

I am happy for them, of course, I only wished I could declare these angpows as expenses incurred on my income tax.

I pray hard I would not extend my congratulations to him, with eyes burning with desire to ask, "Are you sure, buddy?"

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I can't choose family...

When I chose not to tell you anything

You claimed to be worried

You spread half-truths

When you barely know anything

I saw it as a betrayal

But because you were family

We cannot choose family

I forgave and allowed it to be forgotten

Even though your half truths triggered off events

Which made me lose someone

Whom helped and comforted and loved me in all the ways you could not

Now when I choose to tell you everything

Alleviate your worries

Informing and patiently explaining to you

What I am doing and why I am doing it

You still chose to get answers from another channel

What is the whole point of telling you everything you want to know

Explaining to you the reasons I have behind my every action

When you wouldn't support nor accept anyway

Neither would you help to assuage my secret dark fears

Fears you had always belittled

Had I always appeared too strong

That was what I often wondered

Nevertheless, I stopped wondering

I never take too long to come to a decision

When I shut the door and clam up

Which is what I will do from now onwards

Do not knock nor seek

For I will not open up anymore.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Into her 25th year, she was already reduced to a mere shadow of what she started out life with.

No longer enjoying the little things she used to get excited over, the atmosphere of hollowness which carries her days through were strangely peaceful yet empty.

Her rages used to be catastrophic, her love used to be fiery and passionate.

Her excitement used to be infectious, her eyes carried a gleam of fire and determination.

Nothing probably interests her anymore.

Life holds no more significance for her, save responsibilities and obligations, doing the things that needed to be done and universally accepted.

The beautiful, happy and fiesty passionate little girl, whom liked to do things different from the world, is almost gone now.