Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I have been tagged...

Tagged by Kierra:-

1. Do the following WITHOUT complains.

2. Leave a tag on the person tagboard to say he/she have been tagged

3. Start your post with “I have been tagged!”


Favourite colour: Black, red and teal

Favourite food: Black angus prime rib

Favourite song: Alot leh

Favourite movie: Alot also

Favourite sport: Jogging

Favourite day of the week: Mondays cos I off mah

Favourite season: I like the rainy season

Favourite ice-cream: Ben and Jerrys'!!!


Current mood: Sibeh sian

Current taste: Porridge from Crystal Jade

Current clothes: Power suit

Current deskstop: Default autumn

Current toenails: Hidden

Current time: 1623

Current surroundings: I am at work

Current annoyances: None for the moment

Current thoughts: Should I have porridge for the 28th time this month?


First best friends: Cindy

First crush: I can't even remember his name... errr.. Gerard?

First movie: The Eraser, or something like that, by that Arnold Sia-mi-waa-go.

First lie: Cam't remember, seriously...

First music: Definately can't remember liao


Last drink(alcohol): Two weeks back?

Last car ride: Last night?

Last crush: Huh? It's been a loooong time, seriously can't remember.

Last movie: Da Vinci Code, and it sux.

Last phone call: 15mins ago

Last CD played: High society, Jazzamor

Have you ever

Have you ever dated your best friend: Yes

Have you ever broken the law: Yes

Have you ever been arrested: No

Have you ever skinny-dipped: No

Have you ever been on tv: No and thank God.

Have you ever kissed someone you don’t know: Not that I know of

5 things you are wearing: Watch, earrings, contact lens, shoes and clothes.

4 things you done today:

1) I woke up early today, hehehe..

2) I got down to doing my own laundry early in the morning today, even though it wasn't my offday today.

3) I even had time to make lunch for my mum today.

4) I did not have to take any hours off today to be on time.

5) Neither did I have to take a cab, public transport! Yes!

3 things you can hear right now: The CD playing, my own typing, my heels on the wooden laminate floor.

1 thing you do when you are bored: Doing this meme lor. Heh..

Errr.. do I really have to tag someone? Guys, you all volunteer lah hor, do it when you are bored. Hurhurhur..

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