Friday, June 30, 2006

Now and then.

I am quite sure

I had been exasperating beyond your tolerance level

Many many times throughout these years.

Being brutally blunt and extremely vocal all these while

I have never failed to raise hell for any insensitivities on your part.

I made sure all the air was meticulously cleared before we kissed and made up.

Though it was so crude and extremely brash; I even wince at my own recollections of it.

No wonder I wore you down

I am so sorry I was so barbaric.


I wouldn't say my points back then were invalid

I am still proving myself right everyday now

That all I had broached were very real and valid,

I only regretted choosing the wrong ways to put them across to you.

But hey,

Look at us now

Not a squabble not a frown

None of anything else too.

I sometimes wonder if you'd wish yourself back to those good old days

Where there were more tears, but also more laughter.

Where I had more grouses and complaints, but also more love.

Where you would hear more than you would like to hear from me everyday

But at least you knew me.


Mackbaby said...

Yeah, you're almost a perfect woman now.

Just shup up and take off all your clothes.

Wei said...



Mackbaby said...

but leave those padded bras on hehehe

Wei said...

I haven't seen mine for years!

Lemme recall where I last left them 1st...

Mackbaby said...

Good girl.

Padded bras are deviously designed to deceive and should be made illegal.

Those found guilty made to walk the streets topless to show whatever little they've been hiding.

Wei said...

Bwah.. too uncomfortable.

Besides, not everyone could go braless comfortably without having to adjust their knockers every 5secs. Hehehe...

Only A-minuses could.


Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.