Monday, July 17, 2006

About Disappointment

A colleague shared with me not too long ago

She would rather be angry with someone

Than to be disappointed

She can't be more right

Disappointment should be categorised as one of the worse state of emotion

Anyone could go through

It takes away the years of disillusion

Whereby you thought you knew someone

But maybe you never really did


Mackbaby said...

Easy lah

Disappointment comes with expectations. The higher your expectation, the greater your disappointment.

So have zero expectations lor!!!

Write that a hundred times and go to the corner and pull your ears

Wei said...

The older I am, the higher expectations I have for men. Sibeh cham leh...

Anonymous said...

How can one live with no expectations in life?

But of 'cos with realistic ones please.

Mackbaby said...


Guess I've learnt to hope for the best but expect zippo. Not from human beings anyway.

I get a much better deal from my cat.

Wei said...

Keep another cat to play with Genghis. Maybe he would stop trying all means to get your attention by irritating the shit out of you.

Mackbaby said...

I can easily imagine Genghis turning the most mild mannered kitten into another demonic cat like him!

Wei said...

No leh, my demonic cat did not turn my neighbour Brenda's cat into another monster.

Merely domineered over him.

Hey, there can only be one alpha male in the household.

Why not you give it a shot at being THE ALPHA MALE?

Genghis will cower in fear.


Wei said...

You mean it has already been proven that most women nowadays go for SNAGS meh??

Mackbaby said...

But women are also realising that SNAGGY WIMPS generally expect their fiancees to pay for half the wedding too.

Wei said...

Not many men I know actually acknowledge their roles as the providers anymore.

They want equality between sexes more badly than the females.

Especially when it comes to two major events of their lives, marriage AND divorce.


Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.