Saturday, July 22, 2006

Would it really make a difference?

If he wanted to stray and you try to prevent it

Does it really matter

If she enjoys the attention

But still comes home at the end of the day to love you

Is it really like what they say?

That sexual jealously is a useless emotion

I still dwell on that statement up til this day

Ever since I chanced upon it 12 years ago

We are such different creatures, men and us women

God must be really bored up there

Bringing the two together so the world would be more interesting


Mackie said disappointment comes when you have expectations

Which set me thinking...

I traced back to a time whereby I had zilch expectations of men in general

It is not like I am extremely demanding now

But it seems I already have very well-defined expectations now

I wonder if this falls under realistic expectations?

I do not ask for faithfulness

You can come and go, as and when your heart tells you

I ask for a man whom follows his heart

It is perfectly okay for you to fall in love with someone else

I only ask to be the first to know

But once you have chosen to leave, I will not take you back anymore

I ask for a man with zeal and passion for life and it's challenges

I abhor sloth, procrastination and pessimism as character traits in


I wanna tell them to go jump down a building

They are wasting precious space and oxygen on Earth

Please do not tell me you just want a stable job

When you are really just stagnanted

When you are really too lazy to budge

When you are really afraid of changes in life

I can't have a man whom is too timid to explore new horizons in life

Before long you would see that I have already moved on without you

I hope you are not thinking of going dutch in a marriage

Where everything is calculated and halved

Because men are suppose to provide and support

I am still conservative at heart where it really matters

It does not really matter if you have not made it

I just want to see you trying your best until you make it

It is really not just about domestic partnership

I am looking for a man, not a business partner in life

Do not come to me and tell me you do not know what you really want

Or you do not know how you really feel

You are suppose to be a leader in this couplehood/ marriage

How do you control me

If I cannot even look up to you?

Do not expect me to stay at home for good to look after the kids

I want to grow as an individual too

Why should I become a suaku uninteresting woman

A housewife and a baby-making machine

Just because you are making enough to support us all?

I have probably written enough here today

To have men screaming "You stupid typical feminist win-liao-lor woman!"

I assessed the above carefully

Neither do I feel that they are unreasonable expectations

Dun start yet, because I am not finished here

I shall continue another day

When I am really bored again.


Mackbaby said...

Aiya, romantic love is a whole load of bullshit lah. There is no love more conditional than romantic love. I love you with all my heart but you must be loyal to me.

Imagine telling your husband, Darling I really love you but I cannot stop myself giving blowjobs to every man in Singapore.

In that aspect, romantic love is inherently selfish in nature.

Mackbaby said...

Oh dear, paying for half the marriage.

Just what have you been dating my dear?

Half men ?

Mackbaby said...

And, the Big Man living in the Sky did it right when he created us. Its we humans who fucked it up.

Once upon a time when we were neanderthals, life was much simplier.

Men go hunting for meat all day with the boys. When we come back, the only communication needed with the wife is throwing a piece of meat in her general direction.

And there can be no communication breakdown. One grunt means food, two grunts mean sex...

Those good old days

Wei said...

I would like to picture you Mackie, grunting for food and sex.

Whahaha... Maybe at least then you would be cured of analysis paralysis.


Mackbaby said...

I still do grunt for food and sex.

Just that women ain't cooperating!

Wei said...

I think Genghis would respond better to your grunts.

Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.