Thursday, August 31, 2006

No well-defined answers to most important decisions you should make in life, I just need a little bit more time and alot more wisdom...

So many thoughts




Let me gather my thoughts first

In a clearer state of mind

Before I could write a sequel to yours

Before the thoughts and words flow smooth again

Saturday, August 12, 2006

I was so bored I would do anything to chase the boredom away...

So I visited a forum and stumbled across a moron's thread

Whom reminds me so much of my ex (David)

That I really could not resist posting this up.


Matters of the Heart - Moronic gal

Luciano (rhysmhc)
10-Aug 11:53
1 of 53

Brothers, I just got into an argument with a gal, former friend now. I went out with her (call her X) to Double O couple of weeks ago. Then she asked me if she can bring along another friend, a gal (call her Y). I said yes. Then we met at Double O. She (X) wasnt the happening kind, quiet, soft spoken and doesnt like to cheong the disco floor. I dun like her. Her friend Y, was more happening, more spontaneous in conversation. In the wine bar she did most of the talking. Then I ask her for the phone number and she gave it. A few days later, I tried asking the both of them out. No success. X asked me if I got call Y out, and I said yes. Then she said she is busy, but I guess that she is jealous. So I called her out a few days later, she asked me the same question this time I said no. Then she came out. Fine. Had dinner that was it. Today I saw her in MSN, got to talk to her. I asked her if she liked me. She said no, definitely. Then again, where got girls come out with guys whom they dun like? I dun believe it. She then said I got no brain. Think clearly why gals dun like me. I think she just fucking dun want to lose face by admitting it that she likes me. I din like to treat her to dinner that day. Waste my time and money, though I have lots of it. By the way, X is from China. Highly possible she used to be a fucking pros. Studied in Temasek poly. ka ni na. I hate girls who try to act high class. stuck up China za bor. Says her friend dun like me also. Bullshit. I got her number ok. chao chee bye. Green eye monster.


Heh so cute this person confirm kong liao.

The resemblence is so uncanny though.



They are all around

And they are all hungry

Seventh Month Hungry Ghost Festival mah

I see them queuing outside the restaurants for food


They queue

But they get bored too

Especially the little ones

Yes they congregate in families too

They push into the shops randomly

They mess up stuff in the shops

They really dun quite care

They are really just hungry

And bored

They come in and think I cannot see them

Because they do not know

That I see dead people

Shit, the seventh month ghost festival is driving me nuts

Please ignore me.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Happy Farking Birthday to Myself!

A year older and none the wiser..

Never intended to celebrate this year's birthday

Cause 25 years old is no age for a woman to be happy, really.

Round off that and it is 30, no longer 20.

Must remember to stop singing the Cookie Monster song at whim

Must remember to stop mimicking the LOTR Hokkien Ah-Bee-y-u-still-dunwanna-sleep incessantly

Must remember to stop prancing around whenever I am excited

Must remember to stop being so easily excitable

Must remember to stop song-song point middle finger

Oh the KNNBCCBs must stop too.

Must remember to pour more sunblock on me when I leave the house cause pigmentation start liao

Must remember to apply more firming cream cause everything starting to sag liao

Must remember to eat less suppers cause metabolism slow down drastically liao

Fucking hell, getting on the years is absolutely no fun at all.

*Sidenote: Thank you, you all lovely people for the birdday wishes, cakes, flowers and everything else. I is so very touched. Lub all of u!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Tribute to BB

How silly of me

Just finished reading 'Marley and Me' for the 2nd time with misty eyes

Damn I am turning into a sissy woman

The last few chapters whereby the dog was turning old and sickly

And of course eventually passing on never fails to get to me

We know that sometimes they just can never be truely replaced

They spent the biggest parts of their short little lives waiting for you to come home

But the most amazing thing of all

They teach you the art of unconditional love

Of enjoying the simple pleasures in life

They just come and leave such big holes in your hearts

Protecting you with their tiny teeth

Shielding you from harm with their little bodies

Consoling you and offering their lifetimes' worth of companionship

Licking your face dry from your tears

And breaking their legs just so they could jump onto that too-high bed

Just to be with you

I missed my dog.