Thursday, August 03, 2006

Happy Farking Birthday to Myself!

A year older and none the wiser..

Never intended to celebrate this year's birthday

Cause 25 years old is no age for a woman to be happy, really.

Round off that and it is 30, no longer 20.

Must remember to stop singing the Cookie Monster song at whim

Must remember to stop mimicking the LOTR Hokkien Ah-Bee-y-u-still-dunwanna-sleep incessantly

Must remember to stop prancing around whenever I am excited

Must remember to stop being so easily excitable

Must remember to stop song-song point middle finger

Oh the KNNBCCBs must stop too.

Must remember to pour more sunblock on me when I leave the house cause pigmentation start liao

Must remember to apply more firming cream cause everything starting to sag liao

Must remember to eat less suppers cause metabolism slow down drastically liao

Fucking hell, getting on the years is absolutely no fun at all.

*Sidenote: Thank you, you all lovely people for the birdday wishes, cakes, flowers and everything else. I is so very touched. Lub all of u!


rach. said...

Nothing wrong with singing, prancing around and getting easily excited. Sure your body ages, doesn't mean your soul has to follow suit.

So act like a kid when you can. Trust me, it's fun. ;P

Mackbaby said...

Rach is right.

Uncle here going 42 in two months and still have the sex drive of a hamster.

Wei said...

Wah lau, sex drive of a hamster?

I feel sorry for the dog I am going to give you for your burfday in two months.

Rach, quick say, "ewwwwwww..."

Mackbaby said...

In this day and age of gay marriages, what is so wrong about marrying my dog?