Monday, November 06, 2006

The Subaru Car Challenge

Not many left, but you can see that he is definately tired by now.

Kierra look! A picture of the smoker we spotted on the video cast! Still smoking, haha.. I seriously dunno how smokers do it. Must be twice as tough for them...

This is what they started out with, the first evening, a few hours into the challenge, I think.

***Latest updates: Jules pulled out at a record of 43 hours, the last 40 standing! I believe to be sometime 9plus this morning.

Amazing... because I know I wouldn't have lasted 2 hours. I need the loo every two hours mah.. Nevertheless, he definately deserves a good pat on his back. Great effort Julian!!!

I always knew he loved to punish himself, what with all the marathons and triathalons, but I believe this one surpasses them all, in pushing him beyond his will-power and perserverance. This one is really - mind over body.

Actually, all whom have lasted so long, are already champions in their own ways. Hope no one is too disappointed.

I know Jules won't be too disappointed, because he likes to do these kinda things, sometimes, just for the sake of the challenge. Bobian lah, he's a little into SM. Mack, you could pass your whips and chains to him, you know, if you have no use for them.

Enjoy the pictures, people! I thank everyone on behalf of Jules for all your support.***

*Latest updates: Jules is looking energetic and quite awake at nearly 31 hours now, 74 contestants out of 320 left, if I am not wrong. Jiayou Lianlian!*

Hi guys, as some of you already know, Jules took part in the Subaru Car Challenge and is presently holding strong at 11 hours.

For anyone unaware of this event, here's the link to what's happening:

Okay, he looks like he's gonna fall asleep soon, but he always looks like he's gonna fall asleep anyway, even halfway through lunch with me, you know.

Do drop by to shout hi (so you could help wake him up abit) if you are in town at Ngee Ann City, his number is 279, or you could drop him an sms to 72346 (30cents each) like this:

MSG Your message to him

Mack, you would love to see what I sent him. I told him if he could last 7 years with a bitch like me, he could last at least 7 days out there. Hahahaha.. I hope it's funny.

He did laugh his head off so I assume I woke him up for awhile.

I wasn't brave enough to write that out in a banner to hold it above my head though, there were so many people there, and the cameras! *gasp* Everyone in Singapore would then know that I'd been a bitch to him.

Anyway, I digressed.

Please shout at him if you bypass Ngee Ann City. Thank you guys!


Mackbaby said...

Sorry I was in Bangkok for a meeting over the weekend.

I should have sent someone over to SunTec to give him a blowjob.

If it was a Ferrari, I would have blown him myself

Wei said...

Wah rao Mackie!

But acually hor, I was thinking along the same lines lah. But got many peepur and many camera leh.

We is sick.

Mackbaby said...

I'' do anything for a Ferrari, anything....

Wei said...

Jules is reading this entry with all our comments.

The reason why he hasn't commented yet is because he was freaked out by the idea of u giving him a blowjob.

Hai.. Y m I not surprised, Mackie?