Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Time to stop and smell the flowers, dude. Rejoice in being a quitter.

Let's call it a day

We are more than ready to

We had enough reruns of the same old arguements

They always seem to conclude inconclusively each time anyway

Why do we even stick together

When we only fill up each other's lives with ugly lies and angry words

The hurt we inflict

Cancels out any little joy our companionship may bring

If we could even recall these so-called memories

When we are too busy dismissing

When we are too caught up dissing

When you make me pour a cup of coffee for you and I call it sacrifice

When I asked you to marry me and you call me a selfish jerk


Mackbaby said...

Jeez, you guys sound like my Mum and Dad !!!

and of course, they're still married.

maybe thats the secret to staying married forever

Wei said...

It's not just me or anyone else. It is every couple around me.

I must be the most cynical 25 year old around.

Opps, there is Will too. I heard his star are dented and cannot shine anymore.


Wei said...

Actually many of my blog entries I is not toking about myself leh.

More like about the people around me, this one too.