Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Could it be that she's been trying to turn you into a photocopy

When you had cried out for help

And she had tried her best to help you

In the only way she knew how

Perhaps the photocopy statement was really quite unfair after all

There could've been better ways to convey

Maybe better ways to discuss

Perhaps better ways to share

For all of us, our friendship surely runs deeper and goes beyond

All these new gadget techno-saavy internet friendster pals

Maybe, just maybe

Disappointment hurts many a friendships without recorded statistics

As much as it had done to our love relationships


Princess B said...

maybe she didnt even want to photocopy anything to start off with. maybe she was just seeing things from a different angle. maybe she was feeling hopeless so she became dettached. maybe and just maybe...

Mackbaby said...


Was just speaking my mind. Did not mean to cause any disappointment or offense.

Apologise if disaappointment or offense taken.

Neither do I want to discuss. Don't think of it as discussion worthy like all things on my blog.

Wei said...

No disappointment nor offence was taken from my end, Mackie.

I was just speaking my mind too, thought that entry was a little harsh.

Maybe no one would ever really understand from your stand, because we are never the same individuals with exactly the same situations.

However no matter what it is for you, we would never quit on you.

Anonymous said...

i had known her for like longer than any of her friends so i dare say she's never someone who wants to make someone a photocopy of herself.. i guess she's just too compassionate & overly-helpful. i hope she understand that we can only help those who wants to help him/herself...

Mackbaby said...

Thanks for the kind show of moral support Wei.

Sometimes as friends, we have to agree to disagree, more so as couples.

Like Voltaire once said, "I disagree with what you have to say, but I will fight to the death to protect your right to say it"

Mackbaby said...

Dear Aphreal,

Sometimes we do not need solutions from people, we have our own.

Sometimes we just need some empathy.

People always tell me "Time is the greatest healer"

They forgot to mention, "Time is also the greatest distance between two points"

Anonymous said...

blog about genting leh.

Wei said...


Okay, when eng.