Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Demanding Bitch

If I had caught her on video, you would be able to see her drumming her nails impatiently.

Yeah right ...

I had some fun editing food pictures taken from my lousy camera phone and managed to revive some 'too dark' pictures I snapped.

What else do you name a new pub on the block owned by a lao beng? Shunfu estate is infested with pubs of all sorts these days.

Another mindless, senseless photo entry. These days, I am too lazy to even put in captions.
It's not my fault that I'm attempting to illustrate some mindless, senseless days. Pretty much brain dead these days to have any proper train of thoughts to put together in one entry. I mean I've gotten my divorce, what else do I have left to write about??!!!
I'd write something else after I stop celebrating. XP

1 comment:

Wei said...

The dog the dog!! Aiyoh ...
