Tuesday, October 07, 2008

It's been a long time, maybe... 10 years?

I finally decided to update.

Okay lah, though I am kinda pressed for time these days, I gotta confess that I am not updating not due to lack of time. But due to lack of mood.

Make that an understatement.

Overwhelmed, with my new responsibilities and commitment to a totally dependent creature.

That was an understatement too.

And because this is a public blog, I am going to be totally superficial today and show you the rosy pictures of my life, ever since I'd gone missing in action at 31 weeks.

When they decided to haul me in unexpectedly, making my poor colleague Kierra work full shift for 2 weeks straight (or more) when she was due to go for her holiday the day after next. I am not ready to go into details of Kayleen's birth story. Too lengthy. Hai... And too anti-climax lah.

The view that kept me company for the first few stays when I am stuck at KKH with Kayleen showing no signs of ever going to come out.

My niece came to visit. She loved the hospital bed.

Kayleen Ho Xuan Ying arrived on the 28th August 08, 10.18a.m.
Small, at only 2.21kg.

The must have proud daddy picture, I think.
She was an angel the first two days after coming home from the hospital (probably recovering from the birth and the effects of the drugs from the delivery), we were all fooled.

Speed things up a little, Kayleen is one month old.

The full month flower bath
In case you miss Meow Meow, haha...

In case you miss Jackie.. Her Da(4) tou(2) zhao(4). Haha...

And of course, my cheeky little niece.

Something is wrong with the video file I uploaded below, the image and sound came out synchronized. My niece squeezed into the baby bouncer and imitated Kayleen hiccuping and crying for milk. It was my mum egging her to do the mimicking in the first part of the video.

That's all for now, guys. I need to run again. Will update again soon. Hopefully, I'd be able to gather my thoughts together to write a little more than a brainless photo blog. :)

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