Monday, March 27, 2006

It's over


I would appreciate if you dun call him to ask why and what happened.

Please dun ask me why what happened now too.

We are both still hurting so please dun ask me now.



Mackbaby said...


when I feel like giving up,


when I feel like throwing

it all away,


when I feel

I'm way past caring,

I pause for a while.

I know I think extreme thoughts,

but I never take extreme measures.

It is just against my very nature.

So I think of

what got us together

in the first place

what I saw in her

in the first place

what brought us through

all these years

and why I smile

when I see her smile

and I think to myself

it is the ONLY decent thing

to do,

to give it

one more try.

Wei said...

Mackie, this time it's different.

I'd tell you more when we meet up for drinks...

Mackbaby said...

I believe you guys need some time out, but two weeks max. And then talk it over, preferably with a mediator so you guys won't kill each other.

Anonymous said...

Ya... I think you should listen to him.

Mackbaby said...

I can be your mediator, and good news is I am cheap too

Anonymous said...
