Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Life as a walking dead

You wake up in the morning and brush your teeth

You take your morning coffee and prepare to go to work

You travel to work and sit in front of the comp

Wondering how soon you can get off work

You wonder where you should go after work

Should you get wasted in the pubs again tonight

Or should you just seek solace in other people's companionship

Listening to their problems which you prob dun even give two hoots about

You get home wasted late at night

You take a shower and take off your contact lens

You lie in your bed

Too drunk to think

Too drunk to wallow

Too drunk to be miserable

You wake up in the morning with a hangover

And begin a new day all over again

Such is the life of a walking dead


Mackbaby said...

Well, if the decision been made and it is irrevokable, I suggest an amicable closure. In the meantime, getting wasted nightly is not a good idea, unless you're getting wasted nightly with me!!! Go attend the pet grooming course you always wanted.

Mackbaby said...

Guess what I wanted to say was if the decision is made, moan the death of a relationship, cry over the loss, but at some point, you have to pick yourself up and go. Start doing things that you have always wanted to do but never found the time. Hang in there, you have plenty of friends around you. Wei, you will never walk alone, ok?

Wei said...

Thanks Mackie.

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