Monday, April 24, 2006


It might be interesting to note how quick people are to jump to conclusions and assume.

My bad, I did not state who I was refering to in my previous blog entries.

Jules is back in town.

We hadn't got a chance to really talk.

But I ain't really looking forward to it.

Maybe running away from the problems is so much easier than trying to resolve them.


Wei said...

For the last time, my blog entries are for a guy call Jules, not Will. Will is a friend. You are obssessed with Will.

Anonymous said...

this is so funny. not reading your blog for ages since my pc is down and we've comments like this.

mmm... i love to see shows.

Anonymous said...

My dear,

I came across ur blog from Will.

You might be thinking getoutatheway is jumping to conclusions.


I too personally feel that he's a compulsive liar. And, worst of all, I believe he doesn't even realise this.

He gave people the impression of a Mr. Goodie. Think about it...

I'm writing this not to pin Will down, but hope that you'll see things clearer.

Woman don't harm woman.

Anonymous said...

At least for me...I won't.

Mackbaby said...

In my next life, I want to be Will's middle finger.....

Wei said...

For the last time I clarify :- Whether Will is a compulsive liar or not, it is of no consequence to me. What I meant when I said jumping to conclusions, was these spammers assuming I was talking about Will for all my blog entries.

Hey guys, cool it. Me and Will are just buddies. Putting up his picture dun mean nothing so, can we have some peace around here while you guys go and spam other victims-to-be?

Mackie, you DUN WAN to be Will's middle finger.

Mackbaby said...

I dunno Will from Beng, but judging from the reactions, his middle finger have gone to LOTS of places!!!

Wei said...


Buay tahan u. You never fail to crack me up.

Unknown said...

Dear Anonymous

Dont behave this way.
"Compulsive Liar"

Means I lie all the time, neither am I "Mr Goodie"

However, life goes on, Ma Dearwest Wittle Pwincess.

Take care

Anonymous said...

Mack baby, you darn right it has!

Wei said...

Erm.. Wittle Pwincess?

Will, abit too mushy to be publicised here leh..

Wah lau..

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Unknown said...

u seem like a nice person.
and i thank you for not pinning me dwn.

i dont know you, neither do i want to.

i'll let you be my finger if i can have your fortune. ha. kidding.

great friend, great buddy

i'm sry.

Mackbaby said...

Will, I have no fortune to offer you, but I sure as hell will pay alot of money for your phone book!!!

Mackbaby said...

Well now that everyone is lovey dovey wittle pwincess again,

Uncle Mack must have his last say.

Don't be bitter, when a love did not go the way you wanted.

Because bitterness will consume you, and make you a very unhappy person.

Learn to let go. We all lament
when we lose a love.

But little did we know, losing romantic love and replacing it with platonic love, is indeed the highest love of them all.

Because when we can look at a former lover, and still say I can love you, without possessing you. I can love you, without having anything in return and am just happy, to be a friend. That is the purest and truest love, of them all.

Anonymous said...

Whahahahahaha... These are all so funny.

Jacqueline, HuiLin said...

I didn't know you're that popular.

gelatogirl said...

Neither Was It will u please stop doing what you did...?

I've told u before, even if i'm stupid, people tell me things...

Oh and...this is my 2nd time visiting this site...i don even know the girl...but, hi!


Anonymous said...

if beauty is in the eye of the beholder and but a mere game of perceptions, then would it be true that a person deemed to be beautiful by many people be normal, and one that is seen by few if not none to be such, the one that is truly and uniquely beautiful? for one's perception of beauty is, if shared by many others, but proof that she is common - her looks similar to many others before her, who similarly were considered as such.

everything is based upon perceptions. what you perceive to be right, versus what is considered right by others' perceptions. can we then put to blame one who has done an outrage by other people's standards when he/she has, all along been doing what he/she perceives to be right?

to anticipate and to realise are different matters. again, it is the idea of perceptions - what we think will happen, versus the actual reality in which it happens. anticipated emotions can hardly be counted. the calm and disposed manner and reaction, when placed into the context of actual reality, becomes harsh, painful, unacceptable. we can never expect to feel what we expect to.

emotions cannot be stopped merely by wanting it to be stopped. if the difference between the base animal and the great man is the ability to intellectualize, then surely it must be true that the great man is capable of controlling their emotions. for it is when Man thinks, that he is able to capture his thoughts and actions, and when what is to be done is known, then can what is to be felt be known. however, the human mind is known to be irrational, and acts of passion - betrayal, love and hate - have been committed due to an outburst of unexpected emotions. can we therefore say that we are no better than animals? worse, are we not even on par with animals, whose base instincts for survival seem to be much more effective that that of a human's higher level of thought which boasts of intellect and emotions among many things else?

You decide.

Anonymous said...

i need to state, this is a comment by another individual from the previous.

Anonymous said...

U can be anonymous and still be recognizable from the way u write, Will.

At the end of your entries, few words are put to make people think.
Why can't u stop lying and admit that its you.
If u claim that there's nothing going on between the both of you then why do u remain anonymous to defend her? You really deserve one huge sucker punch to knock out your senses before you start talking again.


Anonymous said...

Whether or not Will wrote that is none of your concern. Likewise whether there is anything going on between them. It seems you're too dim to see that they're both just really good friends and nothing more. Your accusations are completely baseless and unfounded. So really, what are you trying to accomplish here?

Anonymous said...

The person is trying to say the Webmaster of this page is sleeping around. Can it be more than obvious?

Anonymous said...

I didn't ask what that person was trying to say. Get a clue.

Unknown said...

hiding behind anonimity aint the way to do things.

i put two words at the end of my entries, not comments.

and deaddoll, i'm not accusing u of anything. So quit being defensive.

whoever you are, identify yourself or buzz off.

Wei said...

woah woah, things are getting a little personal here.

I'm back from my trip and it seems like no one is quitting here.

Hey man, whoever it is, you guys have no proper basis nor reasonable agenda for all the accusations directed against me here. Neither do I know you.

But gotta agree with Kierra that it is kinda interesting to see shows like this.

Thank you all whom have spoken up for me.

Thank you clowns for spicing up my blog and my life. I is only pathetic cat-keeping no-life reminscing old-flame spinster before this.


Anonymous said...

Whahahaha... This is the scariest thing. Unwanted attention.

But it's really funny to see people getting pissed over a person the don't even know.

Wei said...

You're right.

They're funny, these anonymous spammers and they dun even realise it.

Mackbaby said...

I'd vote the PAP if they knock down the Merlion and put up a statue of Will's middle finger

Wei said...


Yvonne, you are here too!!!

Yvonne is the girl I hab been going after for the longest time now.

Opps, did I forget to mention I get bisexual tendencies when I meet super cool girls?

Wei said...


now you are obsessed with Will's middle finger.

But I SERIOUSLY like your idea leh!!!

Mackbaby said...

Very interesting.

I've always believed,

I'm a lesbian

trapped in a man's body

Unknown said...

Mack, can i get you a wheelchair?
You can't be any lamer.

Maybe we can chill sometime.
Arrange with Wei.
