Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Back from my Phuket trip

The pictures would have to wait.

I got pictures of many many many hot angmors tanning nude on the beach.

Call me suaku, I like can or not?

It is interesting to note how a seven year relationship, could just drift apart in a matter of a couple of months.

I thought this trip, spending a few days totally alone with him, would propel me to a decision.

Whether we still had the chemistry

Whether it was still worth fighting for

Whether we could pick up the pieces and go with the gusto of young hearts

He has changed somehow..

I noted the tinge of fatigue in him when we were together.

Like the both of us had been trying too hard to make something work for years and years.

We stopped trying for a month or two and we couldn't pick it up from where we last left it.

When he had decided he had enough rest and wanted to give it another shot

It was too long for me.

I think I had moved on.


Anonymous said...

Uh huh~!

So you went on trip with him. Tell me more tomorrow. If only I can get my lazy bums down to MS.

Mackbaby said...

In my former marriage, I realised that the happiest times we had were when we never really have to try so hard.

Its like a BBQ fire. You had the spark and its great fun when both of you are fanning the flames, keeping the fire going.

But when one or both starts pissing on the fire... it reaches a point when no matter how hard you fan, all you have is cold dead wood, full of piss. And it stinks too.

Wei said...

Kierra: Yeah, actually was a preplanned trip so decided not to waste the money and go anyway. I'd blog more about it when the pictures are ready.

Mackie: Totally agreed, you always give meaningful bulls-eye insights. Would appreciate if you could ask him out for drinks or dinner when Ms X is not in town. He doesn't have many close friends. Thanks Mackie..

rach. said...

I kinda know how you feel. Sometimes it's hard to realise that something you've been working on so hard for so long is not turning out the way it should. I suppose moving on is a good thing.
Btw, quick post those pics of the hot ang mohs! hehehe...