Thursday, June 15, 2006

Yet another falls...

And a few more to come.

Congrats to Jeanny, the youngest



And the least likely of us all, to get married at 24.

I shall post the pictures of her lovely wedding tonight, to properly illustrate this post.

As I grow older, the more sceptical I become, of the word 'marriage'.

It used to be a beautiful word.

It defines a holy matrimonial affair, a sacred union where two becomes one.

Pictures of church bells, family, friends and all well-wishers

Congregating to celebrate and to bless, yada yada and all that.

Then each couple proceed to live happily ever after with beautiful babies and the cutest of kids bouncing on their laps.

Or so I thought lah.

I wonder if I am pessimistic by nature?

Or am I seeing more unhappy marriages than the happy ones that actually lasted?

Maybe I am the complicated screwed up sick-in-the-mind one.

At the end of the day, those whom deserve to find happiness would be able to find it, of course.

Sj's wedding is next on the long list of wedding invites I received this year.

7th of July, just a few weeks down the road, he's gonna take the brave leap into it.

I am happy for them, of course, I only wished I could declare these angpows as expenses incurred on my income tax.

I pray hard I would not extend my congratulations to him, with eyes burning with desire to ask, "Are you sure, buddy?"


Mackbaby said...

Are you sure?

Who cares? Do it anyway.

Divorce is fun and I think everyone should try it, at least once in their lives.

I suck as a husband, but nobody can beat me as an ex-husband

Anonymous said...


Wei said...

Kinda regretting I din give David a good kick in the groin the last time I got a chance when he was pinned down.

Hope I'd get another chance to do it. Hehe..

Hope I am wearing my pointy stiletto heels at then. Hehe..