Thursday, September 21, 2006

Damn The Husband

A lady customer walked into the shop on a lazy weekday afternoon, pushing a stroller.

She looked a little awkward initially, like she never meant to walk in.

Then she sprung the most surprising question on me, nothing about beddings or even furniture but, "Err.. how do you keep yourself slim huh? Any secrets??"

How strange.

I wished at that time I could throw off my power suit and pull out my flaps for her to see.

Then she started to relate of how she could not lose weight even 4 months after having the baby, and how her husband is so changed and indifferent to her these days because she's become fat.

She is just a little chubby, maybe just a bit more on the tummy because of the pregnancy, but for Christ's sake, it's only been 4 months mah!!

She appeared so genuinely upset over her husband's change of attitude towards her, my heart went out to her.

She had a sweet smile and lovely features, something I would deem more important than having a great figure.

Maybe because I am a woman (much as I doubt so every now and then, but I was still one the last time I checked) and I dun have much use for great figures.

Which reminds me of a fridge magnet I once read off Julian's fridge that says, "I am fat and I can diet, but you are ugly!!"

I would like to dump The Husband in double quick time if I were in her shoes.

But of course, I would never completely understand until I am truely in her skin, and also into their marriage.

Damn, it is so tough being a wife to somebody.

You are expected to cook like a chef, manage housework with the efficiency of a maid.

Breed like a rabbit with the control of the offspring genders like the Stork.

And these days, you are expected to bring home half the dough too.

And all on top of that, baby, you gotta look good and look in your twenties for the rest of your life.

Somewhere along those lines anyway.

How scary.

No wonder Anonymous likens marriages to hell lah, hor?


rach. said...

Ya, she must've been pretty tormented about her husband's change in attitude to come up to you like that. Poor lady. I hope everything works out for her.

And Wei, what flab you talking about? You don't look like you even have an inch of fat on you.

Wei said...

Mack and Rach:

I also say, loser husband!

Not trying to be racist here, but quite a number of indian husbands (the ones that really come from India and work in Sg or something..) I come across all quite bastards one leh, esp towards their wives.


I got flabs, you come over my house tonight I pull out and show u. At your own risk hor.

Unknown said...

Straits Times
26th Sept. 2006

Divorce rates on the rise.

never have i been more accurate.
if only i could be as spot on in the market... i'd make a killing...

but, alas, i'm merely a prophet of doom...

Wei said...

Divorce rates had been on the rise since years ago my friend.

Unknown said...


the papers meant exponentially lar.


i was going thru one of your post.
the one which the girl breaks up with the guy...

it's like dejavu all over man..
you narrated what i experienced..

or perhaps women have a "guide to a convincing break-up"