Saturday, September 16, 2006

One can never be completely free...

Of one's past.

You will still look back and wonder what that insane bitch of a ex-wife is doing now.

You would wonder if she has already found a man whom would put up with her crazy bouts of catastrophic tantrums,

Or maybe hope that she is dying of regret and loneliness.

You might even be concerned whether she is still running into huge debts or personal problems,

And suffering alone, without you to help her out now.

All these emotions and memories from the past,

Are we all binded to them so helplessly?

Can we ever cut free of the emotional chords?

These occasional heartaches that seize us so suddenly,

Maybe even when it has been several years down the road.

Can we try to stop missing,

The person we once loved with all our heart?

The person whom was once our Universe?

The person whom was once an integrated part of our lives?

Little no wonder we are all walking slouched as we advance,

Weighed down with the emotional baggage we accumulate and carry as we go along.

Look at this :

How does one ever keep up with the incessant changing of needs and wants,

All through the rest of their lifetimes?

I am talking about growing together, not apart.

And listening, but also fulfiling.

Not just conveying, but also communicating.

Not just interacting, but also participating.

Hell, the list could go on and on...

Sometimes I feel it is just too difficult lah.

Maybe I am just destinated to remain single for the rest of my life,

All because of my fear for disappointments.

All because of my wretched self-esteem,

When a single rejection to come might prove to be a fatal blow.

Yes I conclude, I am a quitter too.


Mackbaby said...

Yeah, love gone bad....

is like shit stains left behind on the toilet bowl...

it just wouldn't flush away....

Wei said...

You always believe you are a lesbian, trapped in a man's body?

I always thought I am a gay, trapped in a woman's body.

That's why my breasts won't grow, no matter what I do.


Mackbaby said...
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Mackbaby said...

Poor thing you....

I don't grow too, but when lying down, I am taller than you!!!!

Anonymous said...

I feel so cursed by mackbaby. Shit... already living in hell after marriage, still have to go to hell after death... sigh...

Wei, we don't have to be weighed down by our past. We won't forget but no need to be weighed down.

Energy healing... hee... ring a bell???

Wei said...


Of course!

But it is hard to help your loved ones be enlightened.

Maybe even in a simple aspect like, "Life is indeed a bitch but we all learn to move on"

I have to take my hats off to simplier people like Jeanny and Ho Ginn Sian.

They move on, they always do.

Sometimes there is much more to simplicity that meets the eye!




Which part of you is taller than me when you are lying down ar???

Mackbaby said...

my beer belly lor