Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I feel sick

The strangest thing about aging process

Is when your body starts telling you not to eat unhealthy food

I assume it doesn't happen to everyone

I know of many friends whom could not wean off their favourite char kway teow and sea hum

And they are in their fifties

Sometimes the craving kicks in once in a blue moon and I would have a sinful serving of coconut milk laden Malay food for lunch

Maybe even a 3-piece KFC chicken meal with all the frills they throw in

I would usually feel sick therafter, maybe even for the rest of the day

I could visualise my body sending signs of protestations all over

Objecting to my choice of diet and punishing me with indigestion and bouts of nausea

I should have just stuck to my usual tasteless and bland lunch of yong tau foo soup and porridge

Sorry for the boring food rants today

I have been unable to get my spirits up since a piece of bad news I received yesterday

One of my closest friends have been diagnosed with bladder cancer

At the prime of his life, about to get married end of this year to his lovely beau of 7 years

At the peak of his career, he just achieved the two biggest goals of his life

To own his beautiful dream home and marry his sweetheart

I have never seen him break down in all these years I'd known him

We have shared so much, our dreams, aspirations and secret fears

The years we have worked hard together, attempting success in our careers

Maybe it's not the nasi goreng I had for lunch

Maybe it's the ugly twist of fate that leaves a nasty after-taste in the mouth

We all know acceptance comes eventually

But it is like what he said

It just never occurred to us because we are so young and we thought we were invincible for now

But of course,

We're not.


Mackbaby said...

The year was 1993

I decided that either

God does not care

or He does not exist,

when a fucker like

Lee Hsien Loong

gets cancer

and refused to die.

People have died

for far lesser reasons

Wei said...

These people are invincible.

They've got the invincible genes and they live forever.

Mackbaby said...

Please give your friend strength and ask him be strong and not give up hope.

It would mean very much to people around him that he fights it.

Wei said...

Interesting updates: They couldn't find anything inside him now that they inserted a scope into him to find out if it is external or invasive bladder cancer.

Investigations continue and results pending.

We are all praying hard this is a mis-diagnosis.

Given that it is TTSH (again), I won't be surprised.