Sunday, December 31, 2006

2007 in a few hours time...

Say goodbye to Year 2006

Another exciting year is passing on

So many milestones that took place this year

It was indeed one of the most memorable year

25 years and counting

* * * * * *

There was love lost,

Love that maybe one day I might find again.

There were friends I thought I m keeping,

Only to lose them again.

There were people I deemed aquaintances,

Whom brought me so much joy and companionship and love,

I could not thank them enough.

For they just always seem to be there,

Least of where I expected them to be,

But when I needed friends most.

I have a family I rediscovered,

(Ashamed to say, at the age of 25...)

I re-evaluated my defination of 'kin' in life,

It means loving unconditionally,

Okay, I promise to try my best at all times.

I have the tendency to sum up everything,

And just give it a big red tick at the end.

I would say I had a good year at work,

Not because I had a smooth sailing one,

Erm, quite the contrary actually.

There were so many times I was this close to throwing in the towel,

Yeah told you I am a quitter.

Dun harp on the virtues of perserverence and determination,

They dun quite work on me,

Just congratulate me I have come this far.

Sitting here, typing the last entry of 2006,

I realise how tired I have been,

How glad I could look forward to next year,

Yet how grateful I am for the family, friends and neighbour.

They were there for me n together with me this year,

For all the good times and the bad.

May we look forward to even better times and more challenges to come,

At least with all of you,

I know I could look forward to so much more.

Happy 2007 to everyone out there


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