Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Sick on an offday - Make that extremely sick

I was bed-ridden the whole of yesterday, barfing non-stop and having the runs. Being dehydrated to the point I ran on high temperature all day, drifting in and out of sleep for more than 24 hours.

Darn it! This always have to happen on my day off. Blardy hell wasted my only day off of the week.

Still, am extremely touched ; The one whom cancelled all commitments and appointments to take care of me for more than 24 hours without sleep.

Damn it, you always have to do these things to make me cry.

An irritating colleague called a few times yesterday. You know that one you could always trust to call you on your day off. And she never fails to exercise great perserverance and determination too, by calling til you pick up her calls.

She calls to have a good old bitching session. Nevertheless, I was definately not up to it yesterday, so to prevent her from wearing out the batteries on my mobile phone, my duty nurse of the day had to inform her that I was sick and sleeping in.

First thing she did this morning was to call the gallery to find out if I was really sick yesterday or simply avoiding her calls.

Ohhhh.. Fuck fuck fuck, can't believe the extend she would go sometimes!

I hate insecure peepur.


Anonymous said...

you're not allowed to fall sick in future. at least not on your day off. 'cos, when you can't pick up her damn call, i've to.

please take note.

Wei said...

Hahaha.. Yeah i heard.

I never imagined she would call you for these issues.

Guess she thought she could garner support from u because it is EW.

You are officially becoming main supporting station here.
