Friday, May 11, 2007


I feel it

The familiar surge of unrest and fidgety that follows

Guess I couldn't handle it so well after all

Guess I just wasn't as matured as I thought I was

I'm getting along fine and I'm happy everyday

But as usual

I just thought it could be a little better than this

I have been down that road before

It's all a waste of time and energy and money

And I swore I'm so so done and over it

But the overwhelming desire kicked in so suddenly

I gasped for breath and in surprise

I knew I just had to give this one last shot

Fuck, I just wanna go clubbing just one last time before they ban smoking in the clubs in July leh.


Anonymous said...

this entry is just, "you fucking want to club"?

Wei said...

Yeah, it is. Please dun beat me up. Hehe

Princess B said...

No la... I really dont think "you fucking want to club" but more like "you fucking wanna smoke in the club before it's too late!" We go on the last day before they ban, k? Get the whole smoking gang to smoke up the club.

Mackbaby said...

For once in my life, I'm gonna be a good Swingaborean.

I'm not just quitting smoking,
I'm gonna start hating smokers too.

Princess B said...

Mackbaby is gonna hate me. And torture my life till i jump off the building cos i dont think, at this point, i wanna quit.

Mackbaby said...

Hi Princess, lets go to heaven together. Isn't it fun to jump together?

I know I will make it to heaven.

Women keep telling me to go to hell. I can't.

I'm from hell.

Princess B said...

Mackbaby, I dont wanna jump off the building, so just don't me, k? Hee... I am too vain and don't wanna die ugly.

Unknown said...

tsk tsk tsk...

Wei said...

Eh, the post so light-hearted also will make people wanna jump.

Maybe I should stick to boring things like how I had a Tiramisu for dinner just now and I am gonna have a cheesecake for supper.

Totally justify the need to jump down the building now.

It may feel like PMS but the gluttony guilt sure sux. Eurrreak!

Anonymous said...

*roll eyes*