Friday, March 31, 2006

Thank you guys

Thank you for your concern, to probably the only two people whom reads my blog.

I had been the walking dead for the past week or so, can't bear to think, can't bear to feel.

Maybe something died in me, the night I read his reply to my email.

I dunno, it's too painful to start thinking, I dun wanna start.

I dun even wanna be left alone for a minute so silent thoughts can creep in.

It is harder to give him up willingly

Then it was if I was left with no choice

I wished he had left it to end in silence

Than him smsing me last night to say sorry

The problem I am facing now is no longer the issue that triggered off everything

It is the issues which emerged, opening my eyes to an otherwise blissful relationship

I dun deserve him

I had been selfish to keep him for seven years

All along knowing he deserves better

I had been selfish, wilful and wasted seven years of his youth, time, money, energy and effort

If I had any last shred of decency and conscience left in me,

If I had really loved him

The only last thing I could do for him now is to leave him for him to move on to better things

I know you would not agree with me

But you were not here to see, to hear and to feel.


Anonymous said...

Whichever it is, don't regret your decision. As for now, move on happily. Afterall, you are not getting any younger. If you need someone to speak to, I'm back to work.

Mackbaby said...

I believe yours is a mismatch of expectations. Happily, the solution is simply compromise. At the danger of oversimplifying, I believe your demands are quite simply time and attention. Whereas Mr J is just such a cool dude. Unfortunately, the problem have been allowed to fester for too long, so you guys do need help. I have to warn you, Mr J aside, if you don't solve out your side of the equation, the problem will persist, irregardless of who is involved, short of marrying a dog.