Thursday, September 21, 2006

Damn The Husband

A lady customer walked into the shop on a lazy weekday afternoon, pushing a stroller.

She looked a little awkward initially, like she never meant to walk in.

Then she sprung the most surprising question on me, nothing about beddings or even furniture but, "Err.. how do you keep yourself slim huh? Any secrets??"

How strange.

I wished at that time I could throw off my power suit and pull out my flaps for her to see.

Then she started to relate of how she could not lose weight even 4 months after having the baby, and how her husband is so changed and indifferent to her these days because she's become fat.

She is just a little chubby, maybe just a bit more on the tummy because of the pregnancy, but for Christ's sake, it's only been 4 months mah!!

She appeared so genuinely upset over her husband's change of attitude towards her, my heart went out to her.

She had a sweet smile and lovely features, something I would deem more important than having a great figure.

Maybe because I am a woman (much as I doubt so every now and then, but I was still one the last time I checked) and I dun have much use for great figures.

Which reminds me of a fridge magnet I once read off Julian's fridge that says, "I am fat and I can diet, but you are ugly!!"

I would like to dump The Husband in double quick time if I were in her shoes.

But of course, I would never completely understand until I am truely in her skin, and also into their marriage.

Damn, it is so tough being a wife to somebody.

You are expected to cook like a chef, manage housework with the efficiency of a maid.

Breed like a rabbit with the control of the offspring genders like the Stork.

And these days, you are expected to bring home half the dough too.

And all on top of that, baby, you gotta look good and look in your twenties for the rest of your life.

Somewhere along those lines anyway.

How scary.

No wonder Anonymous likens marriages to hell lah, hor?

Saturday, September 16, 2006

One can never be completely free...

Of one's past.

You will still look back and wonder what that insane bitch of a ex-wife is doing now.

You would wonder if she has already found a man whom would put up with her crazy bouts of catastrophic tantrums,

Or maybe hope that she is dying of regret and loneliness.

You might even be concerned whether she is still running into huge debts or personal problems,

And suffering alone, without you to help her out now.

All these emotions and memories from the past,

Are we all binded to them so helplessly?

Can we ever cut free of the emotional chords?

These occasional heartaches that seize us so suddenly,

Maybe even when it has been several years down the road.

Can we try to stop missing,

The person we once loved with all our heart?

The person whom was once our Universe?

The person whom was once an integrated part of our lives?

Little no wonder we are all walking slouched as we advance,

Weighed down with the emotional baggage we accumulate and carry as we go along.

Look at this :

How does one ever keep up with the incessant changing of needs and wants,

All through the rest of their lifetimes?

I am talking about growing together, not apart.

And listening, but also fulfiling.

Not just conveying, but also communicating.

Not just interacting, but also participating.

Hell, the list could go on and on...

Sometimes I feel it is just too difficult lah.

Maybe I am just destinated to remain single for the rest of my life,

All because of my fear for disappointments.

All because of my wretched self-esteem,

When a single rejection to come might prove to be a fatal blow.

Yes I conclude, I am a quitter too.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Mourning the loss of my mobile phone

I left it in a blue Comfort cab this afternoon and realised only 3 secs after the taxi driver has driven out of sight.

Using my friend's mobile, I called my own number frantically but the phone was shut off after the second consecutive call.

No, the driver did not pick up any passengers after me and he must've been the one whom picked up the phone and shut it off for keeps.

Yes, it is my fault for being so careless but I still made a report to track down the driver with their GPRS system.

Guys, please contact me via email if you need to get me these two days.


My msn seem to be lagging too, I am not ignoring you if you msned me and get no replies from me.

Sibeh sian.. Hai..

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Just Musings...

My mum's divorce is proving to be probably ten times more stressful than my own

What a year 2006 is turning out to be for me

I cannot allow myself to stop and think if I really wanna keep going for now

All relationship and problems at work, doubts and grey areas have to put on hold for now

I need to excuse myself to deal with the more needy issues on hand

Mid-life crisis (25 years old is not too young to be gg through it, I might die young at 50 years old can?) gotta wait til year 2007

For the time being, let's relax on the depressing issues

I talked to someone recently whom told me he used to have this mentality that his current beau must always be prettier than his last.

This is the first guy I have talked to whom openly confesses this.

Say... guys, I know that most of you ain't exactly drop-dead gorgeous yourselves but since, it seems like you all are always the more visual creatures of the two genders, could you perhaps satisfy my curiousity?

How much does it matter to you, physical appearance of your beau-to-be?

How long does this form of physical attraction lasts for? The entire duration of the relationship?

Would you love this knn gan see lang chio one more than the last one cause this one is gan see lang chio?

Haha... provide some entertainment for me leh, take my mind off things for awhile mah.
