Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Showdown I had been waiting for

He called in the middle of the night

And sent the abusive smses

Not that I am not used to all these drama by now

He came by my house in the morning

Realised that he lost the house, lost the fight

He could not reach in time for the pair of scissors

He had stashed in his pockets earlier on

He reached for the nearest flower pot

Smashed it

Took a piece of the broken pieces

And tried again, to inflict hurt


Haven't you realised I am not the same little girl from 12years ago?



Easily manipulated

Easily threatened

I may not be very strong now

But I am strong enough to face you head on

I may tremble

My hands may shake a little

But I can still take you by the bull's horns

All the way

Til you walk away defeated

Because if you don't

The police would be arriving any minute

You only had enough nuts to bully the clueless kid I was back then

You did not have enough to last you til the real world steps in.

Monday, May 15, 2006


Past the stage to feel any pain nor sorrow

I no longer know what to do with my life

What to feel and what to think

I dunno what is the next step I should take anymore

Physically, mentally and emotionally I feel so drained

Everyday I drag myself to do the same things I do everyday

Smiling at customers, laughing with friends and joking when I am at home

I appear to be the same

But I am actually just a walking dead

Dun be mistaken

I am not unhappy

I am just devoid of any emotion at this point

To think that I still have an imminent divorce battle to fight out in a few week's time

Maybe my to be ex-husband would instead inject some new life and fighting spirit in me


We'd see.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Pictures from my Phuket trip Day 1 (Exploring the place and lotsa food)

Candid shot at Changi Airport

Jules - Landed at the Phuket International Airport

Checked in and ready to explore the place

Jules too..

Wah suaku leh, never take pictures at a beach before.

We just need to camwhore abit.

Lunch at Fuji - Jules and his neverending ramen.

We were halfway through the sashimi, paisay..

Dunnno what ramen..

Us- Fuji Japanese Restaurant Day 1

Wat's left of our lunch.

Dinner came right after lunch. whahaha..

Jules' favourite food - freshly shucked oysters

I like the way they presented the steam fish dish..

I was too full to smile liao lor..

Pictures from my Phuket trip Day 2 (Island Hopping in a speedboat)

Not my usual way of greeting people in the morning!

Breakfast at the Hotel - Day 2

Jules - Day 2

Jules on the speedboat to our island hopping trip

Pictures of the lovely beaches at Rach's request

Jules must pose with them, of course..

Jules' dream house by the sea

Sunning the ticks off my back in the baywaters

I din sink!!

Jules the aspiring photographer forced me to pose for many pictures..

I am getting very burnt here..

Jules after snorkeling..

The waters were so clear..

The bay where "The Beach" was filmed.

An angmor secretly posed with Jules behind him, we explored the streets after the exhuasting but exhilarating day.

Pictures from my Phuket trip Day 3 (Parasailing)

Dogs go parasailing too, on the island.

I am going too!

Me- Taking off..

I am up there!

Obviously I enjoyed the ride!

After much persuasion and chicken calling from the parasailing guys, we manage to get the parasailing gear on Jules. He dun look that sure though, he is scared of heights.

Jules- taking off..

He's up there!

The Landing

Jules din die.

Confirm he din die.

One last look at the beautiful island I was leaving behind..

Wei's sidenote: Of course, there were many other things we did whereby we have all four hand full and couldn't take pictures. The snorkeling was a really amazing first time experience for me. When I swam next to the schools of fishes, mostly small but some a little too big for comfort; when they started to grab whatever food outta our hands, I couldn't stop wishing we had the waterproof case for our camera.

The massages was another first time experience for me, I used to swear I would not pay for a stranger to touch my body and that I could not appreciate massages. BOY~ was I wrong.

I wanted to braid my hair, but my boss would go nuts if I go to work with a head of braided, beaded hair.

Apart from that, I think we did try most things we wanted too.

It had been the most wonderful vacation. Phuket, I'd be back.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

This blog entry was dated sometime January 2006, extracted from my old blog

"For Jeslyn:

Woman, I can't offer you consolation for everything that has happened to you in your life

I can't offer you much help, all these issues are not within my control

I always have a soft spot for you, I dunno why

I always say I'm giving up on you, for the very last time, I'm sick of your episodes

But I never do, I never give you up.

I watch you make decisions, I watch you fail and fall, time and time again

I watch you cry alone, I am unable to summon anymore tears for you

But I can only offer you companionship

God knows it does little to ease the terrible pain and hurt that's been inflicted

But it is all I could do

When everything I say now would be lame, superficial and silly even.

I would just sit quietly beside you."

It is a little silly of me, woman..

To retell how I feel about you at this point in time.

But I will still be here for you

I will still catch you when you fall.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Back from my Phuket trip

The pictures would have to wait.

I got pictures of many many many hot angmors tanning nude on the beach.

Call me suaku, I like can or not?

It is interesting to note how a seven year relationship, could just drift apart in a matter of a couple of months.

I thought this trip, spending a few days totally alone with him, would propel me to a decision.

Whether we still had the chemistry

Whether it was still worth fighting for

Whether we could pick up the pieces and go with the gusto of young hearts

He has changed somehow..

I noted the tinge of fatigue in him when we were together.

Like the both of us had been trying too hard to make something work for years and years.

We stopped trying for a month or two and we couldn't pick it up from where we last left it.

When he had decided he had enough rest and wanted to give it another shot

It was too long for me.

I think I had moved on.